What is a green pre-engineered steel structure building?

In order to concentrate on building a modern economic system, emphasis has now been placed on pollution prevention and control. While developing an innovation-driven strategy, vigorously develop green and energy-saving industries. The existing green pre-engineered steel structure building is still in a relatively basic development stage, and belongs to a relatively new building form.

The use of green prefabricated steel structures can reduce the input of raw materials for production. The use of steel structure manufacturing materials can reduce the input of masonry building materials, and reduce the input of building materials such as cement, sand, and lime. Compared with the traditional reinforced concrete structure, the selection of prefabricated steel structure can reduce the overall building material input by three to five tenths, and can also reduce energy consumption and protect the environment.

The selection of prefabricated technology can eliminate the impact of construction work on the building. Reduce material accumulation and improve construction schedule. Because most of the components of the steel structures are custom-made from the factory, it will not occupy the site construction work space. The steel structure building will not be affected by the environmental climate, the construction period is short and the efficiency is high.

pre-engineered steel structure building

Steel structure buildings have a recyclable process in the construction process. The entire prefabricated structure has a full-cycle plan formulated at the early stage of the construction plan, which can realize the reuse of raw materials for building structure design, construction, demolition, and off-site reconstruction. It will not affect the environment, and can save energy and reduce pollutant emissions. It is worth noting that steel structure products have the advantages of recycling and reuse, which can comprehensively reduce the environmental pollution caused by construction, welding, and disassembly of building structures. The purpose of energy saving is twice that of reinforced concrete of the same scale, so its Also known as green energy-saving buildings.

The construction period of the pre-engineered steel structure building is short, and it can be energy-saving, high-efficiency, low-pollution and recyclable. Enterprises are important representatives to promote the continuous informatization and industrialization of the construction industry. For the construction industry and related construction enterprises, the selection of steel structures can comprehensively improve the effective utilization of funds, which is of great significance to the improvement and optimization of construction enterprises and the sustainable development of construction economy.