Prefabricated Steel Workshop Building Cost

The application of steel structure workshop is becoming more and more widespread, but the prices of different businesses and different materials vary widely. Regarding how much water there is, it is difficult for many non-professional or even professional people to calculate the cost of such a prefabricated steel workshop building. However, this is relatively complicated. Various costs need to be calculated, and many details are easy to cause negligence. If you are not careful, you will make a big mistake, so it is very important to analyze its budget.

If it is a single-story prefabricated workshop, the height is 8.5m, the foundation depth is 1.3m, and the single-story steel structure workshop with independent foundation is adopted, with a length of 105m, a width of 48m, and an area of 5040 square meters. The cost of this kind of prefabricated steel workshop building is basically 90 US dollars per square meter.

Prefabricated Steel Workshop Building

If the span is 24*2=48 meters, then the steel structure factory building cost should be about 90 US dollars per square meter, while the earth construction price should be around 40 US dollars per square meter. If the span is 48 meters per span, the cost of the prefab workshop should be around US$125, and the cost of the earthen construction should be around US$63 per square meter. If it is a factory building with a crane, it is hard to say. According to the lifting tonnage of the crane, the construction cost of the prefabricated steel workshop building should be 125-230 US dollars per square meter. The tonnage of the crane is not greater than 75 tons, and the civil construction price should be around US$58 per square meter. The budget for a steel structure workshop is basically around US$15,000.

To build a simple single-story steel structure factory building, first of all, it is a material cost. The price of steel is not much different now, and the average price is maintained at about 3,700 yuan per ton. It is estimated that it can remain at this level for a period of time. Relatively cheap. Secondly, the cost is related to the span height of the factory building. If it is not more than 8 meters, the span should not exceed 30 meters. For a factory building with a 5-ton crane, and the outer enclosure adopts the method of heat preservation, the cost per square meter will be about 125 US dollars. If there is no crane, the cost will drop, and the impact of span changes on the cost can be divided into several situations:

Prefab Workshop Cost

For factories over 15 meters, the cost per unit area will decrease as the span increases. But starting from 15 meters, the cost per unit area will increase as the span decreases.Then there is the labor cost of the prefab workshop. A simple steel workshop building like this can be completed in about 20 people and 3 months, and the average monthly cost per person is about 1,500 US dollars.

There is also the technical cost of the factory building. The design and drawing process in the early stage is more complicated than that of ordinary houses, and it is necessary to find a relatively strong one. This kind of preparation work must be accurate, otherwise it will cause a lot of waste, and the conservatively estimated cost is at least tens of thousands of yuan. In addition, there are many other costs for engineering problems, which need to be considered comprehensively to determine the final price.