On the beauty of steel structure engineering buildings

Strictly speaking, any architectural form is basically inseparable from steel structure engineering, and its force state and force transmission route are also spatial. Planar structures are simplified by people for computational analysis. Of course, the development history of steel structure engineering and architecture should be synchronized in time. Only with the different historical stages, the degree of development and attention is different. With the development of human industrial civilization and the differentiation of professions, and influenced by the industrial revolution, the division of labor between architecture and steel structure engineering has also deepened. But in fact, buildings and steel structures are connected in many ways, and there is no way to separate them.

steel structure engineering buildings

With the rapid development of social production, life, culture, education and science and technology, the relationship between science, society and art has become increasingly close, and now there has been a trend of mutual penetration of the three. Steel structure engineering is more and more established on the basis of science, the more it reveals higher ideals, the more beautiful power it has. How to integrate and coordinate the three to form a unified building, steel structure engineering has always been the focus of attention and favor. As human beings have higher and higher requirements for architectural space scale and form, the spatial, scientific and artistic status and role of steel structure engineering are increasingly revealed.

Any building can be divided into three parts and aspects: construction, structure and equipment according to its constituent functions and professional types of work. Steel structure building is a kind of technical art product of space environment created by people using certain material materials. Structure is the material basis for the existence of architecture, architecture promotes the development of structure, and structure promotes the innovation of architectural form. Equipment is to ensure and improve the environmental conditions of people’s production and living, such as water supply and drainage, heating and ventilation, power supply and lighting. All successful buildings are an ingenious and organic combination of architecture, structure and equipment.

steel structure building
The design and construction of any successful building is inseparable from the close cooperation of architects and structural engineers. The beauty of steel structure buildings is jointly created by architects and structural engineers. It is at least a one-sided misunderstanding to attribute the beauty of architecture only to the creation of architects, and it is even more a misunderstanding that structural engineers exclude themselves from the creation of beauty.
Only when architects and structural engineers cooperate tacitly and work together to create beauty, the beauty of steel structure engineering buildings can be more complete, more moving and more lasting. The carrier of the architectural beauty of steel structure engineering is steel structure and materials. The beauty of steel structure engineering is inseparable from the material support system of the structure, just as the beauty of man is inseparable from the upright skeleton.