Installation process of steel structure factory workshop

With the rapid development of industry, steel structure factory workshop occupy an increasingly important position in industrial plants. Steel structure workshops have the advantages of fast construction, low cost, and reusability, so they are very popular. In this article, we will introduce the installation process of steel structure factory building in detail.

1. Preparation work

Before installing a steel structure workshop, adequate preparations need to be made. This includes review of construction drawings, procurement and inspection of materials, construction site cleanup and layout, etc. In addition, technical explanations and training are also required for construction personnel to ensure that they understand the key points and precautions during the installation process.

2. Basic engineering preparation

After the preparatory work is completed, foundation engineering preparation needs to be carried out. This includes surveying and testing the foundation of the steel structure workshop, designing and formulating foundation engineering construction plans, and conducting foundation construction. Basic engineering preparation is the basis for the installation of steel structure factory workshop, and its quality and stability must be ensured.

3. Processing and testing of steel structural components

After the basic engineering preparation is completed, the steel structural components need to be processed and inspected. This includes the design and production of steel structural components in accordance with the requirements of construction drawings, quality inspection and acceptance of completed steel structural components, etc. Only steel structural components that have passed inspection and acceptance can enter the installation process.

steel structure factory workshop

4. Installation of steel structural components

After completing the processing and inspection of steel structural components, the steel structural components need to be installed. This includes assembling and welding steel structural components in accordance with design requirements in basic engineering, inspecting and adjusting installed steel structural components, etc. During the installation process, attention needs to be paid to protecting steel structural components to avoid damage or deformation.

5. Roof and wall installation

After completing the installation of steel structural components, the roof and walls need to be installed. This includes installing roofing and wall coverings on steel structural members, waterproofing, etc. Roof and wall installation are not only related to the beauty and comfort of the steel structure factory building, but also related to the normal use and long-term stability of the factory building. Therefore, appropriate materials and processes need to be selected for installation.

6. Finishing work

After the roof and wall installation is complete, finishing touches need to be carried out. This includes quality inspection and acceptance of the entire steel structure factory building, cleaning the construction site, and writing a construction summary report, etc. During the quality inspection and acceptance process, each link needs to be carefully and carefully inspected to ensure that the quality of the entire steel structure factory building meets the design requirements and usage standards.

To sum up, the installation process of steel structure factory workshop include preparation work, basic engineering preparation, processing and testing of steel structure components, installation of steel structure components, roof and wall installation, and finishing work. Only by following these steps in an orderly manner can the installation quality and stability of the steel structure factory building be guaranteed to meet the needs of industrial production.