Soundproofing: polyurethane sandwich panel vs rock wool sandwich panel

Both polyurethane sandwich panel and rock wool sandwich panel have certain advantages in sound insulation performance, but which one is more soundproof needs to consider multiple factors, including the material, density, thickness of the core material and the specific application environment.

Sound insulation performance of rock wool sandwich panel

Material and characteristics: Rock wool sandwich panel uses rock wool as the core material. Rock wool is a fibrous material made from natural minerals such as basalt or diabase after high-temperature melting. It has low thermal conductivity and high sound absorption performance, and can effectively absorb and isolate sound.

Sound insulation effect: The sound insulation effect of rock wool sandwich panel is closely related to the density and thickness of its core material. Generally speaking, the higher the density and the thicker the rock wool sandwich panel, the better its sound insulation effect. According to the test, the sandwich panel with rock wool of 120kg/m³ density as the core material can achieve RW=29-30 dB of sound insulation, which meets ISO 717/82 and UNI 8270/7 standards.

Application scenarios: Rock wool sandwich panels are particularly suitable for places that need to be kept quiet, such as airports, railway stations, hospitals, schools, etc. In addition, rock wool roof panels can effectively reduce the impact sound of rain and hail on the roof of the building, providing a quieter and more comfortable environment indoors.

rock wool sandwich panel

Sound insulation performance of polyurethane sandwich panels

Materials and characteristics: Polyurethane sandwich panels use polyurethane as the core material. The polyurethane material itself has a certain sound absorption and sound insulation effect, which can effectively reduce the transmission of indoor and outdoor noise. In addition, polyurethane sandwich panels also have excellent thermal insulation performance and high strength.

Sound insulation effect: Polyurethane sandwich panels also have good sound insulation performance, especially for medium and low frequency noise. However, compared with rock wool sandwich panels, its sound insulation effect may be slightly inferior, but the specific difference depends on the actual application.

Application scenarios: Polyurethane sandwich panels are widely used in various construction fields, especially in buildings with high requirements for sound insulation and thermal insulation performance. Such as offices, libraries and other places that require a quiet environment.

polyurethane sandwich panel

Comprehensive comparison

Sound insulation performance: Under the same conditions (such as density, thickness, etc.), rock wool sandwich panels may have better sound insulation effects because their core material rock wool has higher sound absorption performance. But polyurethane sandwich panels also have good sound insulation performance and can meet the needs of general buildings.

Other properties: Polyurethane sandwich panels may have more advantages in thermal insulation and strength. Therefore, when choosing, it is necessary to make comprehensive considerations based on specific needs.


It is impossible to simply judge which polyurethane sandwich panel and rock wool sandwich panel is more soundproof, because both have their own advantages in sound insulation performance. If you are mainly concerned about the sound insulation effect and do not have high requirements for thermal insulation performance, you can choose rock wool sandwich panels; if you need better sound insulation and thermal insulation performance at the same time, you can consider polyurethane sandwich panels. The final choice should be determined according to specific needs and application scenarios.